Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Weekly Update #1

Before I get into my spiel, let me give you the tour of my new blog. On the left you can read all about the DFMC, how it started and its mission. Below that I have linked to some of my teammates' blogs. If you have some time, please check them out. Each of them has a unique story to tell. On the right, below my smiling face, you can go to my personal fundraising page to make a gift, and below that there's a link to see if your company matches your gift. Please check this out as it's an easy way to double your impact. On to this week's update...

I got back to the gym this week after taking the last few days off. I was eager to get back into my routine to see how my legs would feel and if my past injuries would flare up at all. I must say, working out after taking time to heal makes one very nervous. You have no idea whether or not you're going to be able to finish what you started, and you start thinking about the ways this can all go wrong. Even with this all going through my head, I know what I have to do, and I take solace in the fact that I've heard from many people that they too overcame injury problems during their first marathon.

I spent Monday on the Arc Trainer. This machine is supposedly the best way to keep your fitness when not running, and from my experience, I can see that. However, I think the hardest part is staying focused and not getting incredibly bored and wanting to quit. I don't run into this problem when running outside, but being cooped up in a gym is a totally different feeling. Fortunately, when I went last night, I was able to watch "The Wedding Singer" while doing my workout. And I must say that I gained a whole new appreciation for the movie after watching it with subtitles. I'm not someone who can identify each and every song so being able to see what each song was made the movie that much better. I was also able to get on the treadmill for a few minutes of pain-free light running. I'm a little sore today, specifically my achilles, but all in all, a positive step forward in getting back to longer runs.

On an even more positive note, I'm delighted and amazed to report to you that I have now received gifts totaling more than $1,200! I've been been blown away by the support I've received so far, sometimes from the most unexpected places. One of my friends from Tufts, on his own, forwarded my email to some of his family. Then, last week I received a note and a check from his Aunt whom I have never met nor spoke to. This act, my friend's and his aunt's, has left me speechless and even more dedicated to raise as much money as possible.

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