Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sweet 16

I figure it's a good time for an entry because A) I just had (another) longest run yesterday, B) it's not nice outside, and C) I just watched "Taken" with Liam Neeson and need to make myself think now.

I'm going to start with C. There are two things that I learned from watching this movie. The first is that the American authorities and for that matter, the French, don't care about traveling American girls who get kidnapped and sold into prostitution. Second, meeting a pop star and getting singing lessons from her is much more important than going to counseling and dealing with an excruciatingly horrible experience and death of your best friend.

By now, you're probably wondering why this post is titled "Sweet 16." No, well, I'm going to tell you anyway. I've come up with a terrific idea for a new reality show. On a girl's 16th birthday, instead of getting a party, they make her run 16 miles. I would definitely watch as she complains for the whole two and a half hours about how all she wanted was a new Saab, and Beyonce at her party.

Wow, talk about digression. The above paragraph is neither fully accurate or interesting whatsoever. I'm not sure why I'm keeping it. I'll just say it's because of the economy.

The real reason for this entry's title is that yesterday I ran 16 miles, making this the third weekend in a row that I can say, "I just finished my longest run ever." And even better news is that I completed the run in the same amount of time it took me to run 15 miles the previous week, and it was on a much harder course, full of fun hills. All the work must be paying off.

I'm aiming to run 18 miles next weekend so watch out for that update.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Zack - heightens my interest in seeing Taken - or being taken????/:)

    significance of 18 - "official adulthood" oh ho!

    CU at the track - jack
